Useful OCHD Links.
Hoarding by the Elderly.
Animal Hoarding.
- "Saving the World"

SOURCE: Western Suffolk Psychological Services, WSPS.
ARTICLE: By Fred Penzel, Ph.D.
"I was recently reminded of a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) known as "compulsive hoarding" when a patient brought me an article from a British newspaper that jokingly looked into the homes of several people afflicted with this problem. The reporter, in his ignorance, seemed to think it humorous that these homes were knee-deep in possessions, papers, broken or useless things, or just plain trash."
- Hoarding.

SOURCE: ScienCentralNews.
ARTICLE: By Stacey Young.
September 24 2004..M
"This year, at least one person was trapped under an avalanche of their own clutter. Now, research suggests that people like this—compulsive hoarders—have distinct brain abnormalities. This ScienCentral News video has more."
- Levels of depression, anxiety and disability in OCD hoarding and nonhoarding patients.
By Lauren Williams.
"Within the extant literature on obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), there are few studies on compulsive hoarding. Of these few, one study indicates that people who suffer from compulsive hoarding report more general psychopathology than..."
- Clutter Busters.
SOURCE: Metro Active.
ARTICLE by Bill Strubbe.
Deconstructing our acquisitive human nature.
"THE RED T-SHIRT I usually wore on the job read: "Obey Me." Though I once did facetiously return to a particularly recalcitrant client's house..."
- Halt the Hoarding.
ARTICLE by Christy Best, Professional Organizer.
March 4, 2001.
"“Richard,” a successful and affluent Silicon Valley exec, likes to fix things. While he certainly can afford to buy--new, whatever he and his family needs, Richard enjoys spending..."
- Hidden World of Hoarders.
ARTICLE By Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post Staff Writer.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000.
"Nearly every square inch of the rug in Patricia Edwards's living room and virtually every surface — chairs, coffee table, love seat, piano — is covered with heaps of stuff. There are so many piles of junk mail, sheets of crumpled wrapping paper, five-year-old newspapers still in..."
- 'Cat Ladies' and Other Species of Hoarders.
ARTICLE By Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post Staff Writer.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000.
"When does enough become too much? And why is it so hard for compulsive savers to know the difference? This show looks at hoarding, which involves the accumulation and inability to throw away unneeded possessions, to the point that a home may become so filled with stuff that..."
- Hoarding Defined: Compulsive Acquisition Plus Failure to Discard Equals Chaos and Dysfunction.
ARTICLE By Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post Staff Writer.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000.
"Worried that your stash of 40-year-old National Geographics and those teetering towers of books mean you're a hoarder with a problem, not the avid collector you've always considered yourself to be?"
- Help for Hoarders.
ARTICLE By Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post Staff Writer.
"Local mental health centers may be the place to start seeking help for someone with a serious hoarding problem. If a hoarder's behavior creates..."
- Task Force Seeks to Help Compulsive Hoarders.
SOURCE: NPR, Morning Edition.
SOUND FILE by Margot Adler.
January 22, 2004.
"NPR's Margot Adler reports on people who compulsively hoard things for years, and on the task force created in New York City to deal with them."

- Study Sheds Light on Compulsive Hoarding.
SOURCE: NPR, Morning Edition.
June 7, 2004.M
"Brain Signatures Different for Those with 'Saving' Disorder."
- Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Obsessive-Compulsive Hoarding.
SOURCE: The American Journal of Psychiatry.
ARTICLE: by several people.
June 2004.
"OBJECTIVE: Compulsive hoarding and saving symptoms, found in many patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), are part of a discrete clinical syndrome that includes indecisiveness, disorganization, perfectionism,..."
- Behind Closed Doors.
ARTICLE: By Josie Rawson,b Cover Story . SCRAWL SPRING BOOKS ISSUE . VOL 18 #849.
Published 3/12/97.
"Garbage houses made the news briefly nine years ago when police discovered the notorious Eggert house in St. Paul. But the truth is that Twin Cities-area inspectors have been finding them for over 20 years. How do lives fall so completely--and so privately--apart?"
- CHAOS AND CLUTTER: When Hoarding Becomes a Community Concern.
ARTICLE: By Roberta L. Wertenberg.
"Often, it is that quiet house on the block with the shades always closed. Neighbors in the community may refer to the individual living there as a "loner", "pack rat", or "collector." In reality, that person may be a hoarder..."
- Hoarding is Dangerous.
"These people aren't your typical packrats. They actually have an illness. Some value an old empty paper cup just as much as they value a family heirloom. Of course, they end up with so much stuff, it's literally closing in on them. Beth Parker has the story in this FOX 5 special report..."
- The danger of hoarding.
ARTICLE: By Joyce Cohen, Special for USA TODAY
"For 25 years, a difficult-neighbor problem plagued Curtis and Elaine Colvin of Seattle. The neighbor's home and lawn resembled a junkyard."
- Behind Closed Doors.
ARTICLE: By Chris M. Kelly.
December 2002.
"Collector. Pack rat. Scavenger. Junkaholic. Hoarder. Regardless of what moniker is used, many landlords and property managers in the Bay Area often confront the discovery of a tenant whose accumulations have become a health hazard, a fire risk, or both."
By Josie Rawson.
- Local woman under pressure to declutter.
ARTICLE: By Sonya Geis , Staff Writer.
Published: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - 9:14:04 PM PST.
"MONROVIA -- The couch and chair in the living room of Marylou Mills' home look ordinary enough, but they represent major progress for her."
- The Psychology of . . . Hoarding.
ARTICLE:By Mary Duenwald.
DISCOVER Vol. 25 No. 10 | October 2004 | Mind & Brain.
"Conspicuous Compulsion.M
What lies beneath the pathological desire to stockpile tons of stuff?"
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